Monitor battery
February 7, 2024
Powersine Combi inverter chargers
February 7, 2024
Omnicharge battery chargers

Battery charger – Omnicharge 40A – 90A (12V/24V/48V)

The Omnicharge 12-90, 24-50, 24-80 and 48-40 are fully programmable, automatic battery chargers designed for professional applications. All models come with advanced charging algorithms that ensure a long battery life. The Omnicharge models are compatible with all lead and LiFePo4 based batteries. Up to 6 units can be connected in parallel, making charging current levels up to 540A possible!

Battery charger – Omnicharge2 20A – 60A (12V/24V)

The Omnicharge2 12-40, 12-60, 24-20 and 24-30 are fully programmable, automatic battery chargers designed for professional applications. A clear backlit display shows charging progress, as well as the actual charging voltage and current for each output. Also suitable for charging your lithium batteries.

OC2 family

PV Battery Charger – Omni-charge Solar 20A – 70A (12V/24V/36V/48V)

The Omnicharge Solar 100-20, 100-30, 100-50, 150-60 and 250-70 are fully programmable, smart MPPT battery chargers for photovoltaic (PV) energy systems. These battery chargers are compatible with all common
battery types for 12V, 24V, 36V and 48V systems. Smart and ultra-fast Maximum Power Point Tracking, ensures the most efficient use of solar energy to charge your batteries.


DC/DC Battery Charger – Omnicharge DC 30A – 50A (12V/24V)

The Omnicharge DC battery chargers are primarily intended to charge an accessory or service battery via the starter battery of a vehicle. The input voltage can be higher, lower or equal to the charging voltage on the output. With the Omnicharge DC battery charger, the service battery can be perfectly charged regardless of the input voltage, while it is protected against damage due to peak voltages. These benefits cannot be provided by conventional charging relays or traditional fixed step-up/step-down converters.

Omnicharge DC